A Most Excellent Selection of RISM Activities.
Monday, April 1, 2019

We humbly announce the Immediate Availability of a most excellent and outstanding booke of Activities & Diversions selected by the accomplished and consummate Editors of the Secretariat Central of RISM. Herein is offered for you a choice assortment of divertissements and meditations upon our most gentle art of Musike, the Handwritten Crafte thereof, & of the printing.
The Mind will be challenged and the Sprit will be most satisfied through Exercises such as Transposition, Composition, Drawing, Seeke & Finde, Spott the Difference && c. and all the Occupations befitting of all honorable and noble Peers. We assert that Connoisseurs and friends of music will be pleased with the pieces in the collection, all of which are newly compos’d for this Occasion.
The Entirety of said Volume may be down-loaded from this Site.
The Public is asked to share their Solutions with the Editors for assessment.
Should this Volume be received by the Public in a Favorable Manner, the Editors will be induced to continue Work on the same plan and will offer Subscriptions which may be procured through dispatch of the appropriate Summe to the Printer.
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