RISM and Digital Musicology
Thursday, March 21, 2019

The most recent issue of the International Journal on Digital Libraries is a special issue called “Digital Libraries for Musicology,” and RISM is pleased to have an article in it:
Keil, Klaus and Jennifer A. Ward. “Applications of RISM data in digital libraries and digital musicology,” “Digital Libraries for Musicology,” ed. J. Stephen Downie and Kevin Page, special issue, International Journal on Digital Libraries 20, no. 1 (March 2019): 3-12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-016-0205-3
In this special issue, the guest editors Kevin R. Page and J. Stephen Downie write that there is an “urgent need to specifically support the distinct multiple forms of music, the links between them, and the surrounding scholarly context, as required by the transformed and extended computational methods being applied to musicology and the wider digital humanities.” We hope that RISM can play a role in this landscape.
In our article, which has been available online since 2017 (pre-special issue), we outline in what forms the RISM data are available and give examples of how they are used outside of RISM. We are always interested in hearing of cases where RISM data are reused, so please let us know if, when, and how you use them.
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