New People in the RISM Online Catalog 2021
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Despite the limitations brought about by the pandemic, the growth of our online catalog was considerable in 2021. The number of new people named in RISM records grew by over 4,800 throughout the course of the year, in part through new records for musical sources and in part also through revision work to old records. A large portion of the new sources and people is thanks to our partnership with the Chopin Institute in Warsaw. The project to revise B/I also added the names of numerous dedicatees.
Among the most “famous” new names from 2021 include the Polish composers Witold Lutosławski (1913-1994) and Kazimierz Serocki (1922-1981). More than 90 women composers were also added to RISM.
Even though the RISM Editorial Center is responsible for editing the records for personal names (as well as other fields with standardized forms), this work would not have been possible without the incredible cooperation of our national groups. Thank you very much!
You can also view the entire table here.
Image from Pixabay.
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