Close Cooperation between RISM and the Chopin Institute
Monday, February 18, 2019

RISM and the Fryderyk Chopin Institute (PL-Wbfc) are now working even closer together. On 5 February 2019, a meeting was held in Frankfurt where staff from the Chopin Institute in Warsaw and the RISM Central Office could discuss further details of their project (images, left).
Since 2016, our colleagues at the library of the Chopin Institute (PL-Wbfc) have been cataloging the music collections housed there and at the Chopin Museum (PL-Wmfc) using our cataloging program Muscat. In addition, in 2016 they received more funding to catalog other valuable collections in Poland. This includes music from Kozłówka Palace (PL-KOZmzk) and the Benedictine monastery in Staniątki (PL-STAb). Cataloging the collection of the Warsaw Musical Society has also begun (PL-Wtm).
Recently, the Chopin Institute received EU funding that will enable the project to greatly expand. The individual projects will be bundled into a project called Open Access Polish Music Heritage. The project leader is Marcin Konik, manager of the Chopin Library. The following collections will also be cataloged: the Czartoryski Library in Krakow (PL-Kc), the chapter holdings of the Wawel Cathedral in Krakow (PL-Kk), and the Bibliothèque Polonaise de Paris (F-Ppo). In addition, the manuscript collection of the Pauline monastery at Jasna Góra in Częstochowa (PL-CZ), which is already in RISM, will be revised and source descriptions of the printed music will be added.
Another strong aspect of the project at the Chopin Institute is the digitization of all these collections, around 6,000 items, which will be linked in the Muscat records. The Chopin Institute is also working with the RISM Central Office to create a Polish version of Muscat. Workshops are planned in Warsaw for Guido Kraus to teach cataloging and Stephan Hirsch on producing the Polish Muscat version.
The Muscat records will be linked to the Chopin Institute’s project database, where they will also be published in Polish.
In addition, the Chopin Institute is planning to make many modern editions from the sources, which will be created using Verovio and made available on IMSLP. The editions will also be linked to the Muscat records.
We are very much looking forward to working closely with our Polish colleagues on this extraordinary project.
All images courtesy of Guido Kraus.
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