Online Muscat Workshop with the Chopin Institute (Warsaw) In the Age of the Corona Pandemic
Guido Kraus
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Online Muscat Workshop 3-7 August 2020 in English with the Chopin Institute (Warsaw) in the Age of the Corona Pandemic
Workshop leaders: Guido Kraus (RISM Central Office, Frankfurt am Main) and Marcelina Chojecka (Chopin Institute NIFC, Warsaw)
The RISM Central Office in Frankfurt am Main continues to work closely together with the the Chopin Institute NIFC in Warsaw as part of the project Open Access Polish Music Heritage (see our post from 18 February 2019). Now, the focus of their work is on the following collections in Kraków: the music materials of the Czartoryski Library (PL-Kc) and the Archives and Library of Cracow Cathedral Chapter (PL-Kk). They will be fully cataloged. In addition, cataloging the music holdings of the Bibliothèque Polonaise de Paris is planned (F-Ppo).
A total of 23 people from different Polish cities joined the online workshop under the leadership of Guido Kraus in Frankfurt am Main and Marcelina Chojecka in Warsaw. Although the majority participated from home, a small group was in the conference room of the Chopin Institute with Chojecka, all the while observing the current hygiene guidelines. This meant that the air conditioner at the Chopin Institute was running full blast.
For the duration of the one-week workshop, the Chopin Institute made its Zoom account available, which was expertly managed by Chojecka. Through a microphone, Kraus explained to the participants how to use the cataloging program Muscat and shared his screen to show digitized scores and demonstrate how to catalog them in Muscat.
Particular attention was paid to music manuscripts and printed music editions, whether in collections or alone. Communication between the workshop leaders and the participants took place either through the chat function or through the microphone, depending on need.
All of the usual digital means of communication will certainly continue to be used until communication with participants in person is possible again.
An additional brief online workshop will take place in September, which will focus on complex cataloging of materials that are bound together. Such volumes often contain various kinds of music materials.
RISM is pleased with how cooperation with the Chopin Institute in Warsaw is progressing, and along with other scholars is very much looking forward to when the records are published.
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