Blog roundup
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Manuscripts, modern editions, and eighteenth-century printed music–RISM likes it all. Read on for what has caught our attention recently:
Trouvère songs online New additions to Digitised Manuscripts at the British Library Egerton MS 274 is now online (see photo, left, taken from f.27v), “a little anthology written in the thirteenth century which combines sacred Latin songs with French courtly lyrics.”
Vespro della BeataVergine RILM reports on this Urtext edition from Bärenreiter of this work by Monteverdi.
Benefit night at the Black BearInn From Cambridge University, about music that was performed at the Black Bear Inn in 1793, including Thomas Arne’s Rule Britannia (RISM A/I: A 1578).
Kategorie: Neuerscheinungen