RISM Practicum at the University of Vienna


Quelle: schubert-online.at

“Gute Nacht” von Franz Schubert

Archival Practicum in Musicology - Database of the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM)
at the Institut für Musikwissenschaft

Instructor: Stefan Ikarus Kaiser

This course is intended as an introduction to research with the international database of the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM).

Topics to be addressed will be cataloging, dating, authenticity, and scholarly evaluation of musical sources from the 17th to 20th centuries. This will be carried out by studying original musical sources from different archival collections. The RISM database will be used as a research tool and participants will learn how to catalog manuscripts using the program Kallisto. More information about RISM can be found at http://www.rism.info/

Prerequisite: “Einführung in die Musikwissenschaft”
Advanced students preferred
Advanced ability to read music
Knowledge of English
Knowledge of Latin desirable
Knowledge of Italian beneficial
Experience with music paleography or music editing beneficial
Laptops not required but helpful

Maximum number of participants: 20

Register online from September 19 to October 9 by sending an e-mail to stefan.ikarus.kaiser@oeaw.ac.at

Block course

Course meetings:
Tuesday, 11 October 2001, 1:45-3:15 pm, Seminar room of the Institut für Musikwissenschaft
Tuesday, 18 October 2011, 1:45-3:15 pm, Seminar room of the Institut für Musikwissenschaft
Tuesday, 25 October 2011, 1:45-3:15 pm, Seminar room of the Institut für Musikwissenschaft
Additional meetings will be held at different music archives in blocks of time and will be agreed upon by course participants during the first course meetings.


About us



Dr. Stefan Ikarus Kaiser
Stift Wilhering
Linzer Straße 4
A-4073 Wilhering.
Telephone: +43 7226 2311 51
Email: musikarchiv[at]stiftwilhering.at
Website: http://stiftwilhering.at/kultur/musikarchiv/