Joo Su-won (朱壽元, 1910 - 2003)
JeongYoun Chang
Monday, May 9, 2016

Our occasional series RISM A–Z brings you the following guest post by JeongYoun Chang of RISM South Korea.
Joo Su-won was born in Changwon, located in the southern part of South Korea. She graduated from Chungshin Girls’ School (貞信女學校) and Ewha College (梨花女子專門學校), and had been an English teacher at Ewha Girls’ High School (梨花女子高等普通學校). Right after Korean independence, she worked as a translator at USIS (United States Information Service) and the Headquarters of the Far East with the Army. Beginning in 1956, she went back to school for teaching and worked as an English teacher at Paiwha Girls’ High School (培花女子高等學校).
She also worked as an executive editor of the monthly “Sae Ga-jeong, 새가정 (Christian Home)” and worked at the Pearl S. Buck Foundation Korea (PSBFK).
Joo’s words are featured in the song “五十周年創立紀念歌” (Ohshipjunyeon changrip kinyum-ga), a song for the 50th anniversary of Ewha High School (RISM ID no. 350000706). The music is by Mary E. Young, who was a missionary in Korea beginning in 1920 and taught music theory at Ewha. The song is part of a printed collection called Ewha-ui Norae (Songs of Ewha) and was published in 1936 (RISM ID no. 350000035).
Sources: Chosun Daily Newspaper, 19 March 1930
朝鮮日報社, 『朝光』, 1935 (image)
朝鮮日報社, 『現代朝鮮女流文學選集』1937
白鐵, 『朝鮮新文學思潮史』현대편, 백양당, 1949
韓英玉, 許英子. 『한국여성시의 이해와 감상』, 문학아카데미, 2001
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