Unknown piano piece by Mozart discovered in Tyrol, Austria
Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

During the ongoing work being done for the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM/International Inventory of Musical Sources), Dr. Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider came across a music book from around 1780 in Tyrol. This manuscript contains, among other titles, a hitherto unknown piano piece that is expressly attributed to the young “Wolfgango Mozart”.
This piece for piano will be presented at 11:00 AM on March 23rd, 2012, by the Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg in the Tanzmeistersaal of the Mozart Residence (Makartplatz).
Participants: Dr. Johannes Honsig-Erlenburg (President, Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg), Dr. Beate Palfrader, Tyrolean Secretary for the Arts (Tiroler Landesrätinfür Kultur, Innsbruck), Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider (Innsbruck), Florian Birsak (Salzburg/Munich; on Mozart’s fortepiano), Dr. Ulrich Leisinger (Director of Academic Research, Stiftung Mozarteum; Moderator).
Further piano pieces by the young Mozart were recently identified in 2006 in the Archives of the Archdiocese of Salzburg and in 2010 in the so-called Nannerl Music Book of the Stiftung Mozarteum in Salzburg. They have attracted attention globally.
Mozart’s Spaur Mass belongs to the worldwide relevant Mozart identifications in Tyrol to date. Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider was able to unequivocally determine this piece to be KV 257in 2007, based on a source in the Diocesan Archives Brixen/South Tyrol (see the announcement; first edition; article in Mozart Studien 2009, pp. 23-47).
To participate in the presentation on March 23rd, 2012 in Salzburg, we kindly ask you to register via e-mail at presse@mozarteum.at or by fax 0662 88 940 50 with:
Mag. Susanne Neumayer
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum
Schwarzstr. 26
5020 Salzburg, Austria
T +43 (0) 662 889 40 25
F +43 (0) 662 88940 50
E neumayer@mozarteum.at
Category: Rediscovered