New on our Bookshelves in 2021
Monday, August 30, 2021

We have some recent acquisitions on our bookshelves that are indispensable for our work when cataloging musical sources.
Stefan Antweiler: Ein vergessener Komponist. Der Schumann-Zeitgenosse W. E. Scholz. Bibliographisch-thematisches Verzeichnis. Cologne: Are, 2019. 340 p. ISBN 978-3-9245-2277-3. Short title in RISM: SchzWV.
This contemporary of Schuman is getting attention for the first time. Wilhelm Eduard Scholz (1807/08-1866) was Kapellmeister at the court of August, Prince of Hohenlohe-Öhringen in Upper Silesia. Antweiler compiles information on biographical aspects as well as all available works, but proofreading or a generous edit would have been desirable, given a few evident typographical errors (even on the cover).
Axel Beer: Das Leipziger Bureau de Musique (Hoffmeister & Kühnel, A. Kühnel). Geschichte und Verlagsproduktion (1800-1814), incorporating work by Klaus Burmeister. Munich and Salzburg: Katzbichler, 2020. XXIV, 956 p. ISBN: 978-3-87397-162-2. Short title in RISM: BeerB 2020.
The establishment of the Bureau de Musique by Franz Anton Hoffmeister and Ambrosius Kühnel towards the end of 1800 proved to have far-reaching consequences for music publishing in the early 19th century. More than 1,100 publications were issued by 1814. Every individual publication—a physical copy could be located for more than 95% of them—is described in detail in this catalog. Added to this are announcements from the press and holding institutions but especially excerpts from correspondence between the publisher and the composer or other people. Special chapters are dedicated to the collaboration between the publisher and its composers, advertising strategies, the trade, legal aspects, the organization of the company, and not least the production and appearance of the music editions. This standard work on the history of publishing in Leipzig spends over 900 pages on a period of only 15 years. This raises the question: How many volumes will follow?
Johan van Kalker: Fünf deutsche Klarinettisten des 19. Jahrhunderts. Carl Andreas Göpfert, Heinrich Backofen, Heinrich Neumann, Heinrich Baermann und Simon Hermstedt: Biografien - Werkverzeichnisse - Dokumente. Musikwissenschaftliche Schriften 54. 2nd ed. Munich: Katzbichler, 2020. X, 275 p. ISBN: 978-3-86988-218-5. Short title in RISM: KalK|2.
This book is the second revised and expanded edition of Johan van Kalker: Carl Andreas Göpfert, Heinrich Backofen und Heinrich Neumann: drei Klarinettisten zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts (Göttingen: Hainholz, 2012); short title in RISM: KalK). It has three appendixes, one on Ludwig Bechstein’s novel Clarinette (Appendix A), a catalog of works for Heinrich Neumann’s son Edmund Neumann (Appendix B), and a comparison of Baermann and Hermstedt (Appendix C).
The chapters about the five clarinetists include a section on biography, a catalog of works, secondary literature, musical sources, and supplements. Heinrich Baermann (1784-1847) and Simon Hermstedt (1778-1846) often gave concert tours and sometimes performed in the same city in quick succession. Reviews that appeared in specialist journals occasioned the author to include Appendix C. In Appendix A, Van Kalker tries to verify the identity of the protagonist called “Heinrich” in Ludwig Bechsteins novel Clarinette from 1840.
Christoph Teichner: Thematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke Ignaz Franz von Beeckes (1733–1803). Musik in Baden-Württemberg. Quellen und Studien (MBWQS) 11. Berlin: Metzler, 2020. 730 p. ISBN: 978-3-662-62578-1. Short title in RISM: BEEV. Individual chapters and preview available here.
Ignaz Franz von Beecke (1733–1803), pianist and composer, served the princely house Oettingen-Wallerstein his whole life. In this book, Teichner provides the first complete catalog of works for Ignaz Franz von Beecke. Previous publications only considered portions of his oeuvre, such as Friedrich Munter’s Ignaz von Beecke und seine Instrumentalkompositionen (dissertation, Munich 1921, typescript) and Helmut Scheck’s Die Vokalkompositionen von Ignaz von Beecke (Munich 1961, typescript). Further to this, Beecke’s compositions are mentioned in Ingo Gronefeld, Die Flötenkonzerte bis 1850. Ein thematisches Verzeichnis (Tutzing, 1992-1995).
Teichner lists all 334 works with generous musical examples. The catalog is structured according to work groups from I = Piano sonatas (BEEV 1-60) to XII = Church music (BEEV 323-334). Within the work groups, pieces are ordered according to key and then chronologically (when possible). Vocal music is arranged alphabetically according to text. The BEEV numbering runs continuously for all compositions. The book also includes a biographical sketch based on over 400 archival documents.
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