Two Books about Music at the Salzburg Cathedral Now Online
Monday, March 1, 2021

The newest issue of Fontes Artis Musicae caught our eye because it contains reviews of two recent publications involving our RISM Salzburg working group.
Dommusikarchiv Salzburg (A-Sd). Thematischer Katalog der musikalischen Quellen, Reihe A. Edited by Eva Neumayr and Lars E. Laubhold with Ernst Hintermaier, RISM Arbeitsgruppe Salzburg. Vienna: Hollitzer Verlag, 2018.
Musik am Dom zu Salzburg. Repertoire und liturgisch gebundene Praxis zwischen Hochbarocker Repräsentation und Mozart-Kult. By Eva Neumayr, Lars E. Laubhold, and Ernst Hintermaier. Vienna: Hollitzer Verlag, 2018.
Now, both books are available online for free through the FWF E-Book Library.
The catalog, which we announced when it was published, focuses on the music of the Salzburg Cathedral, cataloged in RISM as A-Sd. In Fontes it was praised as being “a significant documentation of the church music played in one of the most powerful and culturally important institutions in Central Europe during the Baroque era and beyond.” This catalog, we would like to point out, was created using the RISM records as a basis.
The book Musik am Dom zu Salzburg supplements the thematic catalog with a first-time overview of the musical practice reflected in the collection from the late 17th to the early 19th centuries, taking into account aspects related to liturgy and performance practice but also the history of the collection itself. A “must-have” (according to Fontes) for examining the local music tradition of a very important musical city.
Expert cataloging of the sources now makes it possible to have a new foundation on which to build our knowledge of music at the Salzburg Cathedral.
With thanks to Eva Neumayr for assistance.
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