The 2016 Annual Report
Monday, March 27, 2017

We have just published the 2016 annual report on our website, available here. Here we’ll give you the highlights from the report. The release of Muscat was without a doubt the major accomplishment of the year, so we’ll begin with that…
Muscat!: Our new, platform-independent cataloging program called Muscat was released in November 2016. Over 150 people around the world are using Muscat. Training sessions, workshops, and tutorials have been developed to ease the transition from Kallisto to the new program.
Total records: We ended the year with a total of 1,057,000 records in the RISM database.
Contributions from national groups: The following national groups contributed to the RISM database, totaling over 29,000 new records (up to September 2016): Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Mexico, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Sweden, and the United Sates.
Plans to import data: Data on printed anthologies from series B/I and B/II were converted and incorporated with data from Early Music Online. RISM is working with RISM France, ICCU (Italy), and the Moravian Music Foundation (US) to transfer their records for musical sources to the RISM database.
Links to digitized music: In the online catalog, you can get direct access to images of the sources through links to digitized music: either limit before your search (Advanced search –> Limit search –> Digitized music) or filter your results (Narrow results –> Digitized music). There are currently over 20,000 such links available.
Catalog users: On average in 2016, the online catalog was visited by about 8,140 people per month over 38,750 visits (annually: 97,700 people with 465,000 page views).
RISM brochure: We welcomed new translations of the RISM brochure to the family: English-Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Spanish. These, as well as brochures in English-German and English-Russian, can be downloaded from the website. Printed copies may be obtained from the Zentralredaktion at no charge.
New publication in series B: The 33rd volume in this series was published: B/XVII: Die Triosonate. Catalogue raisonné der gedruckten Quellen, ed. Ludwig Finscher, Laurenz Lütteken, and Inga Mai Groote (Munich: Henle, 2016), with a database.
Series C: RISM is working with the IAML project group Access to Music Archives (AMA) to update Series C, Directory of Music Research Libraries, and make it available as an online database.
RISM at other conferences: The major conference each year is the annual international IAML congress, which took place in Rome last summer. The IMS president, Dinko Fabris, also encourages the participation of the R projects in regional IMS conferences. Most recently, RISM was presented at a conference in Chile. For a while, we have noticed an increased interest in music documentation in some Latin American countries. The Gesellschaft für Musikforschung’s international congress in Mainz gave us the opportunity to sponsor a conference on documenting sources in Latin America. During the conference, 13 speakers reported on projects and activities in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Cuba, and Mexico. The conference was held in the facilities of the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz. RISM was also invited to a conference in Seoul hosted by our colleagues in RISM South Korea.
And, as always:
Corrections welcome: The Zentralredaktion increasingly receives suggestions and corrections from users. If you find something that should be corrected, please let us know by sending us your feedback and corrections.
External databases welcome: RISM is interested in further partnerships with institutions and projects to import data, such as library OPACs or critical editions.
Open data and linked open data: RISM data can be downloaded directly from the online catalog and reused under a CC-BY license. Libraries can therefore import records for their holdings into local catalogs. The Zentralredaktion has developed tools to simplify the data delivery process, including an SRU interface. RISM data have been reused in the local catalogs of the Bibliotheksservicezentrum (Library Service Centre) in Konstanz, the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, the SLUB Dresden, the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, and the Moravian Music Foundation.
Here’s to a successful and productive 2017!
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