Giuseppe Corsi: New Catalog of Works Cited in RISM
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Each year, numerous scholarly books, editions, and catalogs of works are published. Many foreign prints or publications from smaller publishers are not acquired by libraries. Not every publication gets the recognition that it really deserves.
Which made us all the more happy to receive a book tip from Giovanni Tribuzio, who published a catalog of works – “Catalogo della produzione musicale di Giuseppe Corsi” – in ‘E nostra guida sia la stravaganza’. Giuseppe Corsi da Celano musicista del Seicento” (Bari: Florestani Edizioni, 2014), in which 83 works are listed. RISM assigned the abbreviation TriCo to it.
Giuseppe Corsi (1630-1690) – also known by the place of his birth, Celano - was a pupil of Giacomo Carissimi, a member of the clergy and director of music at different churches in Rome and elsewhere. Only vocal works - sacred and secular - are known by Corsi. The RISM catalog documents 133 sources for Corsi.
The Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella in Naples has digitized some of Corsi’s music and made it freely available online:
Four secular cantatas that are found in a seventeenth-century collective manuscript (I-Nc C.I.5 (A.44), RISM ID no. 850009946)
The song “Ardo ma l’ardor mio” from an eighteenth-century manuscript (I-Nc C.I.2 (A.66), RISM ID no. 850009448)
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