New Volume Published in the Music Manuscripts in Germany Series
Andrea Hartmann
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Since 2009, the RISM Germany working group and the RISM Zentralredaktion have published catalogs in their series Music Manuscripts in Germany (Musikhandschriften in Deutschland). Based in part on records from the RISM database, the catalogs are geared toward the holding institutions and their users, as well as scholars and musicians working primarily with the materials. Printed copies in book form are produced for libraries and archives. In addition, one can download the catalogs as PDF files free through the document server Qucosa.
Volume 3 in the series was recently published:
Andrea Hartmann and Ortun Landmann, Die Musikhandschriften im Unitätsarchiv der Evangelischen Brüder-Unität Herrnhut: Thematischer Katalog (Music Manuscripts in the Archives of the Moravian Church in Herrnhut: Thematic Catalog), Musikhandschriften in Deutschland 3 (Munich: RISM-Arbeitsgruppe Deutschland; Frankfurt am Main: RISM Zentralredaktion, 2010).
ISBN 978-3-86780-191-1
The archives of the Moravian Church in Herrnhut, Germany (D-HER) is home to a collection of over 3,000 music manuscripts, bearing witness to the particular, largely self-contained music cultivated in the church. This collection, which includes music from the churches in Ebersdorf, Gnadau, Gnadenfrei, Herrnhut, Kleinwelka, Neudietendorf and Niesky, was first described for the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales between 1967 and 1971. Beginning in 1994, the records were input into the RISM database in an expanded form. This work was completed in 2000.
Through this new catalog, one can gain insight into the music manuscripts in Herrnhut as a whole.
Other volumes in this series:
Andrea Hartmann, Katalog der Musikhandschriften der Fürstenschule Grimma (Catalog of the Music Manuscripts at the Elector’s School in Grimma), Musikhandschriften in Deutschland 1 (Dresden: RISM-Arbeitsgruppe Deutschland e. V., 2009).
Andrea Hartmann and Carmen Rosenthal, Die musikalischen Blätter aus dem Schumann-Album in der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB): Thematischer Katalog (The Musical Leaves from the Schumann Album at the Saxon State Library—Regional and University Library Dresden (SLUB): Thematic Catalog), Musikhandschriften in Deutschland 2 (Munich; Frankfurt am Main: RISM-Arbeitsgruppe Deutschland, 2010).
ISBN 978-3-86-780-178-2
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