New RISM Cataloging Tools for Librarians
Monday, July 1, 2019

We are delighted to announce that there are some new cataloging tools available that will help improve the presence of RISM in local library catalogs.
You can find these new resources in the Cataloging Tools section of the RISM for Libraries page.
Among the new tools is a link to the OCLC record for the RISM OPAC. You can download this record so that your library users can find the free catalog in local discovery systems: OCLC #913332994. This record is the only up-to-date record for the OPAC in OCLC.
We are also pleased that the standard citation form for RISM maintained by the Rare Books and Manuscript Section (Association of College & Research Libraries, American Library Association) now begins with “RISM,” reflecting common usage. The official form is RISM (Répertoire international des sources musicales). Use this form when including references to RISM’s publications in the 510 field. The Cataloging Tools page has some examples of how to cite the RISM OPAC as well as the printed volumes (Series A/I and Series B) in the 510. A chart with RISM’s recommended citation style for all of the RISM publications (online, A/I, B) is also available.
Another important change is that the official Corporate Name Heading from the Library of Congress Authority File is RISM (Organization). The LC control number is n 88603147.
Finally, we have included a convenient list of quick links to the OPAC.
We hope that you find these new cataloging tools useful and we would be happy to hear your feedback or suggestions.
These developments were made possible thanks to the initiative and cooperation from a number of library colleagues. We would like to thank Sarah Adams and Christina Linklater from the US RISM Office of Harvard University as well as Anne Adams at Harvard, Darwin Scott and Brittany Jones from Princeton University, kind colleagues from the RBMS Standard Citation Forms Committee, and Damian Iseminger and colleagues at the Library of Congress.
Image: The New York Public Library’s Room 100, including card catalogs. Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library. New York Public Library Digital Collections.
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