New Library Sigla in Latin America
Monday, September 19, 2016

Three new countries in Latin America have been added to the RISM database of library sigla:
• Costa Rica: Archivo Histórico Musical in San José (CR-SJahm)
• Nicaragua: Fondo Histórico Documental de la Música Nicaraguense (FONMUNIC) in Managua (NIC-Mfmn)
• Puerto Rico: Archivo General de Puerto Rico, Archivo de la Música y Sonido (AMS) in San Juan (PRI-SJams)
Altogether, RISM now documents 98 institutions in 15 Latin American countries. You can search the entire database of RISM library sigla on the RISM website here.
Mexico is represented the most with 28 library sigla, followed by Brazil with 17 and Cuba with 12.
Countries in Central and South America that do not yet have any institutions in our sigla database are Belize, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, and Suriname. In addition, the smaller Caribbean islands are completely missing. If you have any information about institutions in these regions–whether libraries, archives, schools, churches, museums or private collections–please let us know about them.
RISM assigns an abbreviation, called a library siglum, to institutions that hold musical sources. The RISM library sigla make it possible to concisely name holding institutions without having to cite very long institutional names. Though the RISM online catalog does not include musical sources for every institution with a siglum, the sigla are nevertheless available for scholars to cite in their research.
Latin American countries with musical sources in the RISM online catalog are:
• Brazil: 459 records
• Chile: 91 records
• Mexico: 557 records
• Uruguay: 21 records
• Venezuela: 37 records
In total, there are 1,165 records from Latin America in RISM.
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