Christoph Wolff named Honorary President of RISM
Friday, November 14, 2014

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christoph Wolff has been named Honorary President by the current RISM Board of Directors. While he was president of RISM from 2004-2013, he made outstanding contributions to the Association.
First and foremost was the successful renewal of funding for the RISM Zentralredaktion by the Union der Deutschen Akademien, from 2008 to 2023. Another milestone was restructuring the Association. In a letter commending Dr. Wolff’s accomplishments, current board president Dr. Wolf-Dieter Seiffert wrote, “You focused and strengthened the meaning of the Commission mixte and also created a new, helpful committee, the Advisory Council.” Among his many other important accomplishments was offering the data in the online catalog free of charge worldwide. This decisive step has led to a sharp increase in the worldwide importance and use of the RISM data.
Photo credit: Courtesy of Christoph Wolff
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