World Cup Kickoff with RISM Brazil
Thursday, June 12, 2014

The World Cup kicks off today in São Paulo! Did you know that RISM has its own lineup in Brazil? We would like to introduce you to the RISM Brazil team players:
The RISM Brazil group was reactivated in 2005 by André Guerra Cotta, Beatriz Magalhães Castro and Pablo Sotuyo Blanco. Since then, the group has regularly participated at the IMS Conference in Zürich (2007), IAML Conference in Amsterdam (2009), and the RISM Conference 2012: Music Documentation in Libraries, Scholarship, and Practice. It organized the 1st RISM Brazil Seminar in 2012 at Rio das Ostras under the auspices of the Universidade Federal Fluminense. It aims to consolidate the RISM initiative in Brazil by promoting the preservation of Brazilian musical sources, broadening the scope of Brazil’s representation and integrating current initiatives in music cataloguing.
Text from Beatriz Magalhães Castro
Participants (pictured above, from l-r):
André Guerra Cotta - Universidade Federal Fluminense Polo Rio das Ostras (PURO-UFF)
Beatriz Magalhães Castro - Universidade de Brasília / Laboratório de Musicologia (UnB/LAMUS)
Pablo Sotuyo Blanco - Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)
To find out more about the participants, please visit the RISM Brazil website.
There are currently 127 Brazilian sources in the RISM online database, all from the Laboratório de Musicologio do Departamento de Música da Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo. In A/1, there are 337 printed editions listed from the Escola Nacional de Música da Universidade do Brasil, the Biblioteca Nacional (both in Rio de Janeiro), and the Conservatório Dramático e Musical in São Paulo. We are looking forward to working with RISM Brazil!
Photos courtesy of Beatriz Magalhães Castro.
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