New Tools for Kallisto in English
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

We are pleased to announce that there are a couple of new tools to assist our colleagues who use Kallisto in English.
Kallisto is RISM’s software program for cataloging music manuscripts in series A/II, Music Manuscripts after 1600. The program is available at no charge from the Zentralredaktion to anyone who is interested in cataloging musical sources in their country. Please contact the RISM Zentralredaktion to find out more.
The manual that accompanies the Kallisto program has been updated. It offers a number of advantages over the previous version. New features include:
- Searchable PDF
- Bookmarks on the left
- Navigation within the document
- References given to corresponding fields in the OPAC
- Fields in the manual match the Kallisto software
- Tables assist in entering information in cases where the Kallisto fields are awkward to navigate
- Up-to-date information on fonts and multimedia
In addition, the first of five planned Kallisto tutorials is complete. The first one gives an overview of Kallisto. Future tutorials will be finished in the next few weeks and will include tips on searching Kallisto, how to catalog music manuscripts, and how to enter a music incipit. These tutorials are especially helpful to people who are just starting out with Kallisto or who want to see a demonstration before they try it themselves.
The Kallisto tutorial can also be found on the RISM Zentralredaktion’s new YouTube channel.
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