Mozart autograph in the music collections of Mariastein Abbey, Switzerland
Gabriella Hanke Knaus
Friday, July 18, 2014

Starting in 2010, the music collections of the Abbey of St. Mary in the Rock (Mariastein; CH-MSbk) have been reorganized in the form of rebuilding the Musikarchiv and Notenbibliothek collections. A highlight of the collection is an autograph manuscript by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The online catalog is also available in three languages.
The music holdings consist of two separate collections:
Musikarchiv (music manuscripts and printed music before 1850)
Notenbibliothek (printed music after 1850)
These offer a broad view of the musical life of the monastery of St. Mary in the Rock from the 17th century until today.
In the Musikarchiv collection you will also find all music manuscripts such as an autograph fragment of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “Kyrie eleison” (KV 73x). This autograph came into the possession of the Benedictine cloister Mariastein through Julius André (1808-1880, son of the publisher Johann Anton André) and his friendly contact with the composer and later abbot father Leo Stöcklin (1808-1873). In the Musikarchiv collection you will also find music manuscripts by the following composers of the monastery:
Ludwig Fashauer (1850-1916) - 4 works
Anton Kiefer (1627-1672) - 74 works
Vinzenz Motschi (1839-1905) - 68 works
Ambros Stierlin (1767-1806) - 162 works
Leo Stöcklin (1803-1873) - 216 works
The catalogue follows rules according to RISM (incipits, etc.)
In the catalogue of the Notenbibliothek collection you will find indications of scoring according to RISM standards.
Online catalogue: (D) (F) (E)
The music collections can be consulted in Mariastein. Users are kindly requested to ask for an appointment at least 15 days in advance:
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