US RISM news
Christina Linklater
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

In September, 2008, the U.S. RISM Office embarked on a two-year project to catalog music manuscripts at Yale University and the Juilliard School. This endeavor, which is supported by a grant from the Mellon Foundation, has thus far yielded over 8,000 records. Incipit searching and other tools have led to several new attributions among these. Some examples from Yale’s Lowell Mason collection, which consists of materials amassed by the American composer, anthologist and teacher:
A copy of Johann Philipp Kirnberger’s Huit fugues pour le clavecin ou l’orgue (EngK. 25-32) previously owned by Johann Christian Heinrich Rinck, organist at the Darmstadt Hofkapelle from 1813; call number: Ma21.Y11.A34 (LM 4968), RISM number: 900.005.011
Contemporary copies of two pieces from the Baroque composer Johann Heinrich Buttstett’s Musicalische Clavier-Kunst und Vorraths-Kammer, also previously owned by Rinck; call number: Ma21.Y11.Z91 (LM 5007c); RISM numbers: 900.007.548; 900.007.549
An eighteenth-century copy of Georg Philipp Telemann’s Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul (TWV 30:21-26); call number: LM 5010b, RISM number: 900.007.908
A nineteenth-century copy of a sonata by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (H. 20 in G major); call number: Ma21.Y11.Z91 (LM 5007b), RISM number: 900.007.545
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