Poland : Warsaw : Polskie Centrum RISM
RISM Workshop and Seminar in Warsaw

Workshop “Introduction to Kallisto” and the RISM Seminar took place at 3-4th of February in Warsaw, and was organised by Polish RISM Centre (The Music Department) and The Librarian Education Department of the National Library of Poland. Sonia Wronkowska and Guido Kraus conducted the workshop.
Newcommers representing several institution: The National Library, The Institute of Musicology and The Library of the Institute of Musicology - University of Warsaw, Museum and Library of the Fryderyk Chopin National Institute participated in the workshop during the first day. The workshop was led by Sonia Wronkowska and consisted of introduction to RISM, Kallisto, and some practice in creating simple bibliographic records. The second day was dedicated to more difficult topics, which attracted also advanced users. In addition to newcommers, RISM contributors from Warsaw, Poznań, Wrocław and Lublin working groups attended the workshop and the seminar. Guido Kraus was showing the functioning of authority databases in Kallisto and possibilities of adding multimedia files, ex. watermark reproductions.
The RISM Seminar at the end of the second day, aimed at the exchange of information about recent, current and planned projects of Polish RISM working groups. It was also a presentation for newcommers, what kind of use they can make of their Kallisto skills.
During the seminar 5 reports were presented by:
- Sonia Wronkowska - Polish RISM Centre in The National Library of Poland
- dr hab. Magdalena Walter-Mazur - RISM working group in Poznań
- Grzegorz Joachimiak - RISM working group in Wrocław
- Katarzyna Spurgjasz - RISM working group in The Warsaw University Library
- Guido Kraus - RISM Central Office
In memoriam Elzbieta Wojnowska

Elzbieta Wojnowska had led, together with Jolanta Byczkowska-Sztaba, the Polish Center of RISM at the National Library in Warsaw since ca. 1984. During that time, she made RISM known in Poland and left her mark on it.
She often participated in RISM events, be it at the IAML conferences or lastly at the 2002 conference for the 50th anniversary of RISM in Frankfurt. Here she contributed an interesting paper about music collections that had been dispersed during the Second World War.
She had been suffering from a long illness, against which she fought with her great energy. Her struggle is now over.
We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to her family.
She will always remain in our memories and admiration.