Katalog tematyczny muzykaliów z klasztoru pijarów w Podolińcu
Thematischer Katalog für Musikalien aus dem Piaristen-Kloster in Pudlein
Thematic catalogue of the music material of the Piarist monastery in Podolínec
edited by Dariusz Smolarek, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2009, ISBN 978-83-7363-816-7
From the preface:
The Podolínec music material catalogue has been compiled on the basis of the preserved music material in the State Archive situated in Modra near Bratislava in Slovakia. Most of the compilation contains 18th century compositions as well as serveral dozen pieces from the 17th century. The oldest sources point out that music was taught from the very beginning of the Piarist monastery and that music could be heard in their church.