Meet the members of RISM Brazil

Beatriz Magalhães Castro - Universidade de Brasília / Laboratório de Musicologia (UnB/LAMUS)
Premier Prix in Flute at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, as well as in Music History and Analysis at the Conservatoire. Master’s and PhD degrees in music from The Juilliard School of Music (1992). Post-doctoral studies at Universidade Nova de Lisboa/National Library of Portugal (2002-2008). Currently Associate Professor III at the University of Brasilia and former editor of the scientific journal “Music in Context” at the Graduate Program in Music at UnB, which she founded and served as first Coordinator. Has experience in the area of Arts/Music, with an emphasis on Musicology and Performing Practices, working mainly on the following subjects: instrumental music, reception of musical classicism in Latin America, digital libraries, repertories and international bibliographic sources, Latin American music, and tradition and innovation in Brazilian Popular Music. Presently acts as a Member of the RISM-Brazil, National Coordinating Member of the RILM-Brazil and Interim President of IAML-Brazil. She is currently finalizing a monograph focused on the Empress Theresa Christina Maria Collection and the practice of instrumental music during the I and II Reigns, as recipient of a research Award of the Ministry of Culture/National Library Foundation of Rio de Janeiro. Since 2010 acts in the Tutorial Education Program (PET-MEC) for the group-PET “Music in Ethnography” in mapping musical practices at the Brasilia region.

Pablo Sotuyo Blanco - Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)
Pablo Sotuyo Blanco completed his doctorate in Music at the Federal University of Bahia in 2003, and Post-doctoral studies in musicology in 2011 at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He is currently faculty at the Federal University of Bahia, teaching in its School of Music and the Graduate Program in Music. Published several articles in specialized journals and has numerous works in conference proceedings, being also responsible for various books published as author, co-author or organizer. Participated in the development of various technological products, and scientificevents abroad and in Brazil. Currently he coordinates research projects and collaborates editorially with others. Acts in the area of music with emphasis in music composition and historical musicology. Active researcher of Brazilian music, and initiator of many national projects related to music, including the establishment of RIdIM-Brazil (of which he is currently the President) and the Brazilian chapter (section) of the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM-Brazil).
André Guerra Cotta (1962-2021)
In memoriam
All photographs are courtesy of Beatriz Magalhães Castro.