Updated Tutorials for the RISM Online Catalog
Thursday, November 19, 2020

New, updated tutorials are now available for the RISM Online Catalog.
All tutorials are available through the catalog’s Help page as well as through RISM’s YouTube channel and the playlist Guides to the RISM Online Catalog.
All videos are in English and include English captions.
Three introductory videos give an overview of how to use the catalog’s main features:
Quick overview of the online catalog (YouTube video): Basic search, filters and sorting, full record view, finding the music online.
The Advanced Search (YouTube video): Target your search to specific fields.
Music incipit search (YouTube video): How to search for music incipits in the Advanced Search using the index and the on-screen piano keyboard.
Two additional videos demonstrate advanced techniques in the catalog:
The Fifth Field (YouTube video): How to add additional search fields by combining previous searches.
Paging through collections (YouTube video): How to page through manuscript collections, from the first piece to the last.
One video focuses on printed music in RISM
- Printed Music Editions in the RISM Online Catalog (YouTube video): What printed editions are in RISM, search strategies, how records are structured.
And finally, a very short video is available on how to report an error.
- How to report an error (YouTube video)
Other instructional videos will continue to be added.
Feedback and comments are welcome at any time. You can leave a comment in the video or write to contact@rism.info.
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Catégorie: Catalogue RISM en ligne