Raymund Schlecht (1811-1891)
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Today our series “RISM A–Z” has reached the letter S and we are going to look at a person as well as an important music collection.
Raymund Schlecht studied math, physics, theology, and languages in Regensburg. He was a teacher and school director in Eichstätt (Bavaria) until his retirement. During this time, he showed interest in Gregorian chant and the musical history of Eichstätt.
The “Sammlung Schlecht” is a collection that comprises music manuscripts from the former Eichstätt court as well as music from the Cecilian movement. RISM has over 7,000 records for this collection, including over 400 pieces by Raymund Schlecht himself. Composers that occur frequently in the collection are Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Lodovico Viadana, and Caspar Ett.
After Schlecht’s death in 1891, the collection was turned over to the university library in Eichstätt and has been digitized in the meantime. Volumes 11/2 and 11/3 from the series Kataloge Bayerischer Musiksammlungen (KBM) also offer an overview of the collection.
Image: Autograph manuscript of the four-voice chorus “Erkenntnis du lieblicher strahlender Stern” by Raymund Schlecht. Universitätsbibliothek Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (D-Eu) Esl V 38 (RISM ID no. 450301839)
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