A Bilingual Chart of Common Chinese Instrument Names
TSENG Tzu-Chia
Monday, September 10, 2018

The following post is by TSENG Tzu-Chia from the RISM working group Chinese Language Region:
2018/08 RISM-CLR Completed the Paper Presentation in 2018 IAML Annual Conference and Presented the “Bilingual Chart of Common Chinese Instrument Names”
The 2018 IAML annual conference was held in Hochschule für Musik und Theater “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” Leipzig from 23 to 27 July, more than 500 librarians, archivists and scholars all over the world came to participated in the conference. After the presentations of 2015 and 2017, RISM-CLR presented a paper titled “Cataloging Standard and Translating Unification of Chinese Musical Compositions” this year and proposed a solution to the problems that we faced over the past few years, and attracted great attention.
Chinese traditional instrumental works are an important part of contemporary music in the Chinese language region, but the translation of Chinese traditional instruments has been a matter of concern. As a result, the Shanghai Conservatory of Music held a forum in April 2018. The leading person YAN Huichang is the artistic director of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, and the participants included composers, performers, musicologists, and administrative staff who work in Chinese orchestras from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. These were WANG Jianmin, the former director of the Department of Chinese Traditional Instruments of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music; WU Qiang, a virtuoso Liuqin performer; JIANG Ying, LU Yun, and CHAN Ming-Chi, composers from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong whose works focus on the use of Chinese traditional instruments; CHIN Man-wah, the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra; Christopher Pak, a professor of the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, and the Head of Research of the TENG Company WANG Chenwei, to join the discussions. After the forum, they drafted a proposal for “Bilingual Chart of Common Chinese Instrument Names” and established the “Committee for the Abbreviation of Chinese Musical Instrument Names,” which is responsible for revising and updating the concordance periodically and provide it to RISM, Chinese traditional orchestras, and music libraries and archives all over the world as a reference. By so doing, it can not only standardize the names of Chinese instruments and their English translation but also provide a more precise way to describe the instruments, since the Chinese orchestras, music libraries and archives could use this concordance as a reference for their future works.
For now, we have already finished both the Chinese and English versions of this concordance, and we are more than happy to provide it to RISM as a reference for the use of Chinese instruments. We hope that there will be more and more libraries and archives using this document in the future. With the standardized naming system and standardized translation from Chinese to English, it could ease the confusion and language barriers, as well as to promote more Chinese music to the world.
The Bilingual Chart of Common Chinese Instrument Names is here.
2018/08 RISM華語區工作小組於IAML萊比錫會議進行發表並提出《常用中國樂器中英文對照表與縮略語表》
2018/08 RISM华语区工作小组于IAML莱比锡会议进行发表并提出《常用中国乐器中英文对照表与缩略语表》
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