New (for us) publications from Belgium and the Netherlands
Friday, September 5, 2014

We have recently acquired four publications about Belgian and Dutch musical sources that we would like to share with you:
• Gilbert Huybens and Leo van Buyten: “Willem Gommaar Kennis: (Lier 1717-Leuven 1789), leven en werk; zijn muzikale betekenis in de 18. eeuw.” Arca Lovaniensis. Leuven: Vrienden van de Leuvense Stedelijke Musea, 1983.
RISM short title: HuyK
Biography and thematic catalog, with incipits. 57 works in the RISM online database
Kennis on Wikipedia, IMSLP, Muziekcentrum Vlaanderen
• Luk Bastiaens: Belgische orgelmuziek uit de 19de eeuw: Bibliotheek Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen.
Part I: Orgelkunst - 29 (2006), H. 1, 30-33
RISM short title: BastiaensA 2006
Part II: Orgelkunst - 30 (2007), H. 3, 126-132
RISM short title: BastiaensA 2007
• Maarten Beirens, Ellen Kempers, and Heidi Moyson: Achter de muziek aan. Muzikaal erfgoed in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Leuven: Acco, 2010.
This volume contains many articles related to musical sources and features pieces written by our RISM contributors Ellen Kempers, Klaas Jaap van der Meijden, Eugeen Schreurs, and Veronique Verspeurt.
With thanks to Klaas Jaap van der Meijden of Resonant for sending us the books.
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