Welcome to the new RISM Website!
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

We invite you to take a look at the website of the RISM Editorial Center, which has been redesigned in cooperation with the RISM Digital Center.
Visitors to the RISM website can still directly search the RISM Online Catalog of Musical Sources containing over 1.2 million records for historical music manuscripts and printed music. The RISM Catalog is available for free to everyone worldwide and can also be found at opac.rism.info.
The Online Directory of RISM Library Sigla has been redesigned with a more comfortable look and feel to it. Currently there are about 8,500 sigla in RISM. As before, you may contact us if you need a new siglum for an institution that is not yet in the directory.
The website is now mobile friendly and is easier to navigate on tablets and smaller devices.
The new website brings with it some structural changes.
- The page Editorial Center focuses on the Frankfurt office, which is the central contact point for all working groups, libraries and other participants and users of the RISM project.
- The page Working Groups offers contact information for all RISM working groups worldwide.
- The page Digital Center contains information about the newly formed central hub for information technology questions within the global RISM community.
The rest of the RISM website remains essentially the same.
As 2020 draws to a close, we look at the website as the fruit of the increasingly close cooperation between the RISM Editorial Center and the RISM Digital Center. We also hope it may continue to become a second home for those interested in historical musical sources in general. Through further development of the website early next year, we plan to offer the RISM workings groups even more opportunities than before to present their work here.
The RISM Editorial Center wishes you and your family all the best for a healthy and safe holiday season. We will see you again in 2021.
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