Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources in Shanghai
Tzu-Chia Tseng
Thursday, February 21, 2019

We have received the following from Tzu-Chia Tseng of the RISM Chinese-Language Region:
2018/12: RISM-CLR held the annual meeting of the Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources and a Muscat workshop in Shanghai
The Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources initiated by Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong is now in its seventh year. The annual meeting for 2018 was hosted by the Shanghai Conservatory of Music December 2nd-5th. In addition to the routine work reports, the organizers also invited 14 scholars, librarians and staff from Conservatories of Music or music-related institutions in China to attend the conference in order to prepare the training of more specialized skills needed for music collections in the Chinese-language region.
In the conference, Prof. HUANG Chun-Zen, a member of RISM-CLR, combed the history of Western archival work through the central idea of RISM, with the theme of “what exists” and “where it can be found,” and shared thoughts on how to follow international standards and apply them to archival works of Chinese music literature. HAN Bin explained the preservation of Chinese music literature through a review of the project at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music since 2011. HUANG Hsin-Ying also introduced the work of the Taiwan Music Institute to promote the preservation, research and promotion of Taiwan music literature in recent years.
RISM-CLR also launched two new books: Guidelines for Music Paper-based Archive Processing and Preservation written by TSENG Tzu-Chia and HAN Bin, and the Chinese version of Folklife & Fieldwork edited by American Folklife Center of Library of Congress and translated by CHIANG Chiao-Wen. These two books can be used as a reference for those who are interested in engaging in music archival work in the future.
As an invited representative of the conference, Jennifer Ward introduced the RISM organization, working groups’ operation and cataloging methods to participants. She was also invited to give a Muscat workshop the next day. This is the fourth Muscat workshop held by RISM in Asia. Through the help of RISM-CLR, we hope that more people in the Chinese-language region can understand RISM’s current work and enable more Chinese music literature to be shared.
2018/12 RISM華語區工作小組於上海召開華人音樂文獻集藏計畫會議暨Muscat工作坊
本次會議特邀RISM資深編輯Jennifer Ward訪滬,向與會人員介紹RISM組織、工作小組的運作與編目方式,期望未來能有更多華語地區的夥伴投入此工作;隔天,會議亦邀請Jennifer進行了一場Muscat實務工作坊,此為RISM於亞洲地區所舉辦的第四次Muscat工作坊,透過工作小組與即時翻譯的協助,希望讓更多的人員實際認識、瞭解並嘗試使用此資料庫系統,讓更多的音樂文獻得以共用。
2018/12 RISM华语区工作小组于上海召开华人音乐文献集藏计划会议暨Muscat工作坊
本次会议特邀RISM资深编辑Jennifer Ward访沪,向与会人员介绍RISM组织、工作小组的运作与编目方式,期望未来能有更多华语地区的伙伴投入此工作;隔天,会议亦邀请Jennifer进行了一场Muscat实务工作坊,此为RISM于亚洲地区所举办的第四次Muscat工作坊,透过工作小组与实时翻译的协助,希望让更多的人员实际认识、了解并尝试使用此数据库系统,让更多的音乐文献得以共享。
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