Cage, Cowell, & the Grateful Dead: Sigla Off the Beaten RISM Track
Monday, August 13, 2018

Most of our readers will be familiar with our RISM Library Sigla, which are basically abbreviations that refer to an institution in a concise way. We try to document the existence of every institution worldwide that holds materials related to music research, and these institutions are assigned a siglum from us. All institutions with sigla can be searched in our Online Directory of RISM Library Sigla:
By “every institution worldwide,” we really mean every institution. We do not require sources to be in the RISM catalog in order for a siglum to be created, and the materials do not necessarily have to be old.
This means that we have recently added a few institutions to the Directory, places that you might not necessarily associate with RISM (yet).
The new sigla mean that any researcher can use the abbreviation to refer to the institutions in a publication, and complete contact information, including a link to the institution’s webpage, is available for reference in our Sigla Directory.
We hope that these new institutions can be of use for researchers.
For John Cage researchers, we now have a siglum for the John Cage Trust at Bard College: US-RHjct
There are three new-to-us institutions related to the research of Henry Cowell:
- Temple of the People: A church in Halcyon, California with the William Quan Judge Library and materials related to Cowell: US-HAL
- The New School in New York: US-NYnscl
- The Composers’ Union Library, Moscow: RUS-Mmdk (for the Music Library of the Moscow House of Composers) and RUS-Mbsmk (for the Music Library of the Moscow Composers’ Union)
And finally, the Grateful Dead Archive at the University of California, Santa Cruz: US-SCgda
Also new to the Siglum Directory are these institutions, which complement sources in the RISM database:
- Two archives that are important to Joseph Haydn’s career as Opernkapellmeister at Eszterháza:
- The Esterházy-Archiv at Forchtenstein Castle in Austria: A-FOea
Hungarian National Archives (Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár, MNL) in Budapest: H-Bmnl
- Institutions related to the Hungarian composers Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály:
- Bartók Archives (Bartók Archívum), Institute for Musicology of the Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences: H-Bbba
- Zoltán Kodály Archives (Kodály Zoltán Archívum), Budapest: H-Bkema
- Bartók Béla Memorial House (Bartók Béla Emlékház): H-Bbeh
Catégorie: Nouveau au RISM