Eight More Women Composers
Thursday, June 29, 2017

This past International Women’s Day, 8 March 2017, we published a list of 800 women composers who have sources in the RISM database. We are happy to say that since then, we have been able to add eight more names to the list. Some of the composers’ works had been in the RISM database already, but the names were not on our list because they had not yet been fully edited by us and thus not searchable. The complete list, including the eight new composers, can be found on this Google Spreadsheet.
Unfortunately we do not have very much biographical information about these women composers. (If you click on their name in each entry, you see what we have available.) If you can fill us in on any details, please let us know!
Here are the new eight:
Nanine Marchal Voisin Second recueil de contredanses, walzes et anglaises pour le forte piano avec accompagnement de tambour de basque ad libitum Printed Paris: Sieber. RISM A/I: MM 463 I,1
Mlle. Stackelberg Ecossoise composée par M|e|l|l|e de Stackelberg en Livonie et arrangée pour deux pianoforte (ou à 4 mains) par F. H. Himmel Printed Leipzig, Ambrosius Kühnel. RISM A/I: SS 4215 II,1
Agrippine Troubetskoy Trois cavatines italiennes avec accompagnement de piano-forte Printed St. Petersburg, Dalmas. RISM A/I: TT 1297 I,1
Madame Elise V. Les Vétérans for voice and piano (or harp) Printed Paris, Auguste Le Duc. RISM A/I: IN 267
Josephine Valckiers Quatre romances avec accomp.|t de forte-piano Printed Paris, Aubert (gravé par Dargonne). RISM A/I: VV 28 I,1
Comtesse de Vidampierre 3 songs that appeared in Mercure de France in 1771 and 1772: “Le baiser”: RISM A/I: V 1455 “L’heureuse securité”: RISM A/I: V 1456 (see image) “Le regret”: RISM A/I: V 1457
Mme. De Villeblanche, who died before 1782 at the age of 24 in France Quatre sonates pour le piano-forte ou le clavecin Printed Paris, Desormery (gravées par Mme Brichet de St. Quentin). RISM A/I: V 1560
Therese Zimmermann Rondeau brillant pour le piano-forte Printed Wien, Pietro Mechetti qdm. Carlo. RISM A/I: ZZ 223 I,1
Image: Comtesse de Vidampierre, “L’heureuse securité,” published in Mercure de France, July 1771, p. 80. Via Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. RISM A/I: V 1456
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