Another Exciting Collection from Spitz an der Donau
Gottfried Heinz-Kronberger
Monday, May 29, 2017

We have received the following from Gottfried Heinz-Kronberger (RISM Germany, Munich Office):
Soon after completing work on a collection of musical sources from Niederalteich in southwest Germany (RISM siglum: D-NATk), an unexpected offer arose to describe an additional collection that had recently come to light right in Spitz an der Donau (in Austria), thereby cataloging a previously unknown portion of the collection that comprises over 230 items.
This unique opportunity was carried out in cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, ÖAW) at the end of 2016. A large portion of this music was in many ways identical with the Niederalteich collection and turned out to be a complementary component that must have been stored somewhere else. The ÖAW led the digitization process of both (!) collections, managed by Dr. Robert Klugseder, and linked the scans to the RISM records, thus reuniting the two parts of the collection in the virtual environment. (The links will be visible in the RISM online catalog within the next few weeks.) Together, the two collections contain over 750 music manuscripts and 100 printed editions. This is a wonderful and extraordinary example of international cooperation.
Further information and a short description of the collection (in German) can be found on the RISM Germany website.
Images: Seals of the Pfarre Spitz and stamp of the Niederaltaich Abbey Archive.
Niederaltaich Abbey
Niederaltaich Abbey
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