Upcoming events
IAML Deutschland conference in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 17-20 September 2024. Details here
Le Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) est une organisation internationale à but non lucratif qui vise à documenter de manière exhaustive les sources musicales existantes dans le monde entier : manuscrits, musique imprimée, écrits sur la théorie musicale et livrets, que l’on trouve dans les bibliothèques, les archives, les églises, les écoles et les collections privées. Le RISM a été fondé à Paris en 1952 et est la plus grande et la seule organisation mondiale qui documente les sources musicales écrites. Le RISM enregistre ce qui existe et où l’on peut le trouver.
Upcoming events
IAML Deutschland conference in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 17-20 September 2024. Details here
Chercher par sigle pour les bibliothèques, archives et collections possédant des fonds musicaux historiques
Bibliotécaires, trouvez ici ce que le RISM vous offre
Tout sur Muscat, Le programme spécialisé du RISM pour le catalogage des sources musicales
Historical Ornamentation Sources Catalog: A New Resource for Researchers and Performers
We have received the following from Javier Lupiáñez (Director and General Editor, Historical Ornamentation Sources): The development of digital technologies has opened up a vast virtual world of knowledge. From a simple smartphone, anyone can access the RISM Database, locate musical sources, use numerous tools to learn more about them,...
Musical Anniversaries in 2025
Happy New Year! As in past years, we are using the beginning of the year to look at significant anniversaries of birth or death for people found in RISM. We are listing not only our RISM composers, but also librettists, performers, dedicatees, or other people who are connected to a...
Cherubini's Best Wishes for the New Year
Approaching the end of the year, we would again like to call your attention to an intriguing musical document originally conceived as a kind of new year’s wish. However, whereas the piece by Carl Eberwein we introduced to you a year ago had formulated a series of friendly greetings to...
Library sigla - A special RISM subproject from the beginning
The first RISM library sigla were created in the 1950s in preparation for the first volume of Series B (Recueils imprimés, XVIe-XVIIe siècles), eventually published in 1960 by Henle Verlag. The overview of sigla presented in the volume lists 920 music libraries located in 23 countries. Today, after 65 more...
RISM Catalog fully switched to new technical platform
A beta version of the RISM Catalog based on the open source discovery system VuFind was released in November 2023. At the same time, access to the existing online catalog was initially maintained. On 9 December 2024, the old TouchPoint-based system will be discontinued permanently. The RISM Catalog now appears...
Upcoming events
IAML Deutschland conference in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 17-20 September 2024. Details here
Chercher par sigle pour les bibliothèques, archives et collections possédant des fonds musicaux historiques
Bibliotécaires, trouvez ici ce que le RISM vous offre
Tout sur Muscat, Le programme spécialisé du RISM pour le catalogage des sources musicales