Augsburg, A Musical City
Monday, October 21, 2019

IAML Germany, the national branch of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML), held its annual meeting in Augsburg this past September.
Augsburg has several nicknames: the Mozartstadt (birthplace of Leopold Mozart), the Fuggerstadt (home to the prominent Fugger family in the 15th and 16th centuries), and Bertolt-Brecht-Stadt (birthplace of the famous playwright). Around 150 attendees from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland were present. Two RISM Muscat workshops were held before the conference.
Fans of musical sources will want to take note of these projects that were presented during the conference:
The Digitale Mozart-Edition is working on a critical digital edition of Leopold Mozart’s important Versuch einer gründlichen Violinschule, which was first published in Augsburg in 1756.
The project KlosterMusikSammlungen seeks to document the historical music collections of three Austrian religious institutions: Stift Göttweig, Stift Melk, and Stift Klosterneuburg. Each has around 8,000-10,000 musical items. A database is being built and modern editions of some of the music will also be produced. A data transfer with RISM is also planned.
The Edition Santini was brought to life following the IAML Germany conference in Münster two years ago: thanks to the interest of music librarians, performing editions of music from the historic Santini Collection were made and are now available free online. The project has also presented an opportunity for RISM to update some of its records from this famous collection.
Around 980 cantatas in the Telemann Collection at the Universität Frankfurt are being digitized and added to the Telemann Digital collection online. Links to the digitized manuscripts are also being included in the RISM records.
Throughout the conference, we heard about Leopold Mozart and the Mozart family, the Oettingen-Wallerstein collection, the publisher Lotter, and the production and circulation of music in Augsburg.
We were also treated to several exhibits that featured treasures from these collections.
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