2017/11: The Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources 2017 Annual Meeting and the RISM Cataloging Workshop are inaugurated at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music
TSENG Tzu-Chia
Monday, November 20, 2017

The following has reached us from TSENG Tzu-Chia of the RISM-Chinese Language Region working group:
The annual meeting of the Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources and the International Workshop on Repatriation: History and Significance of Early Sound Recordings Made in China took place on November 8, 2017. At the same time, a RISM Cataloging Workshop was organized. Klaus Keil, Director of the RISM Central Office; Nora Yeh, International Consultant of the RISM-Chinese Language Region; HUANG Chun-Zen, Director of Digital Archive Center for Music (DACM), NTNU; TSENG Tzu-Chia, a researcher at DACM; YANG Yandi, Vice President of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music (SHCM); SHI Yin, Vice Director of SHCM Library; HAN Bin, the associate researcher of SHCM Library; and colleagues from the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and SHCM Library attended these related activities.
Prof. YANG Yandi gave an opening speech at the annual meeting on November 9. He presented his views and expectations on how to use valuable music resources and how to draw on international experience and standards to establish a music resources database. Mr. Klaus Keil gave a brief introduction to RISM and conducted a workshop on Muscat, a multilingual, open-source, web-based, platform-independent program. Prof. HUANG Chun-Zen gave the annual report as the representative of the RISM-CLR Working Group on November 9 in the morning. TSENG Tzu-Chia delivered a practical, hands-on Muscat workshop, showing how to type in and upload the catalog materials. She also shared her experience of Muscat with SHCM librarians ZHANG Jie, YU Yifan, ZHANG Yuanyuan and CAI Shiyue (from the He Lvting Advanced Research Institute for Chinese Music).
In the past year, new sources of Chinese music have been uploaded through the RISM platform. To conform to the data standards, the technology group of RISM-CLR standardized the catalog specification under the guidance of CHANG Hok-Yan, Chief Librarian, TSANG Lai-Moon, Senior Librarian, and Angie, Senior Cataloger of the Hong Kong Central Library. The members overcame the related input problems and entered reliable information as completely as possible.
Meeting participants also planned the 2018 RISM-CLR working process, including assisting members to complete the uploading work of the quantitative data, translating Muscat into Chinese, ongoing discussion on technology, submitting papers for the 2018 IAML Congress and promoting standardization of Chinese musical instruments in translation. Mr. Keil also provided advice on establishing a regional working office, which will assist more related music organizations and groups participate in RISM.
2017年11月8日至11日,《華人音樂文獻集藏計畫》年度會議與《反哺歸家:中國早期錄音的歷史與意義》國際工作坊共同於上海音樂學院開幕,同時舉辦國際音樂文獻資源總目(RISM)專題工作坊。RISM現任主席Klaus Keil、RISM華語區工作小組國際顧問葉娜博士、工作小組成員:臺師大音樂數位典藏中心黃均人主任、曾子嘉研究員、上音楊燕迪副院長、圖書館史寅副館長、韓斌副研究員,以及與會的香港中樂團與上音圖書館同仁們都參加了相關活動。
在9日的《華人音樂文獻集藏計畫》年度會議,楊燕迪副院長首先為會議開幕致詞,對於如何使用珍貴的音樂資源,以及如何借鑒國際經驗與標準做好華人自己的音樂資料庫提出了看法與期許;Mr. Keil介紹了RISM的近況,並於下午進行了Muscat專題工作坊。10日上午,黃均人教授代表華語區工作小組進行年度工作報告;接著由曾子嘉進行了Muscat編目實務工作坊,實地指導圖書館同仁們進行編目資料的著錄與上傳,參與人員包括:圖書館員張潔、俞一帆、張源源、高研院蔡世越等。
兩天的會議中,RISM華語區工作小組也規劃了明年的工作進程,包括:協助各成員管完成定量數據的上傳、Muscat中文翻譯、持續進行技術討論、投稿2018 IAML會議論文發表、推動中國民族樂器英譯名統一等,Mr. Keil也建議工作小組成立區域辦公室,統籌協助愈來愈多華語地區相關音樂機構與團體欲加入RISM之需求。
2017年11月8日至11日,《华人音乐文献集藏计划》年度会议与《反哺归家:中国早期录音的历史与意义》国际工作坊共同于上海音乐学院开幕,同时举办国际音乐文献资源总目(RISM)专题工作坊。RISM现任主席Klaus Keil、RISM华语区工作小组国际顾问叶娜博士、工作小组成员:台师大音乐数位典藏中心黄均人主任、曾子嘉研究员、上音杨燕迪副院长、图书馆史寅副馆长、韩斌副研究员,以及与会的香港中乐团与上音图书馆同仁们都参加了相关活动。
在9日的《华人音乐文献集藏计划》年度会议,杨燕迪副院长首先为会议开幕致词,对于如何使用珍贵的音乐资源,以及如何借鉴国际经验与标准做好华人自己的音乐数据库提出了看法与期许;Mr. Keil介绍了RISM的近况,并于下午进行了Muscat专题工作坊。10日上午,黄均人教授代表华语区工作小组进行年度工作报告;接着由曾子嘉进行了Muscat编目实务工作坊,实地指导图书馆同仁们进行编目资料的著录与上传,参与人员包括:图书馆员张洁、俞一帆、张源源、高研院蔡世越等。
两天的会议中,RISM华语区工作小组也规划了明年的工作进程,包括:协助各成员管完成定量数据的上传、Muscat中文翻译、持续进行技术讨论、投稿2018 IAML会议论文发表、推动中国民族乐器英译名统一等,Mr. Keil也建议工作小组成立区域办公室,统筹协助愈来愈多华语地区相关音乐机构与团体欲加入RISM之需求。
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