Countdown to Muscat!
Monday, October 17, 2016

Last week, we welcomed around 20 participants from around the world to learn the ins and outs of Muscat, RISM’s new program for cataloging musical sources that will be launched in November. From October 12-14, 2016, we were excited to host participants from Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Many are current RISM contributors while others were completely new.
At the workshop, we covered basic functions of Muscat, authority files and indexes, creating records for music manuscripts, and special issues specific to musical source cataloging. The participants are now well equipped to begin working with Muscat. Feedback from our colleagues also allowed us to make some improvements to the interface and clarify the guidelines.
Muscat is the open source program that RISM is developing along with RISM Switzerland to catalog musical sources. It will replace Kallisto and offers many features that mark an improvement over Kallisto, including being a web-based program that can be used on any computer.
Muscat will be launched in early November. Information about the program, along with a timeline and tutorials, can be found on the Muscat page.
The new program will also be available at no charge to newcomers who are interested in collaborating with RISM. We will have more information about that later.
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