IMS/IAML Congress in New York, June 2015
Monday, June 15, 2015

Start spreading the news: RISM will be heading to New York to take part in the IMS/IAML Congress Music Research in the Digital Age, June 21-26, 2015.
Please visit our table in the exhibits area during the breaks. In addition, you are invited to join us at the following events:
Monday, 22 June
- Circle Line Cruise Reception around the island of Manhattan in honor of RILM’s 50th Anniversary Sponsored by RILM, RIPM, RISM, and RIdIM
Tuesday, 23 June
- 14.00–15.30: Music Documentation Round Table
- Cheryl Martin (Western University, London, ON), Jennifer Ward (RISM Zentralredaktion, Frankfurt am Main) RISM on a shoestring: How small country groups can contribute to RISM
- Ewa Hauptman‐Fischer (Music Department, University of Warsaw Library, Warsaw) Musical gifts with dedications in Silesian musical manuscripts of monastery provenance
- Round Table discussion (topics can be proposed in advance or during the session)
Thursday, 25 June
9.00–10.30: RISM Session (Abstracts are available here.) Chair: Klaus Keil (RISM Zentralredaktion, Frankfurt am Main)
- Klaus Keil (RISM Zentralredaktion, Frankfurt am Main) News and information
- Sarah Adams (Richard F. French Librarian of the Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library and Acting Curator of the Archive of World Music, Cambridge, MA) RISM and the future of source studies in the US
- Martina Rebmann (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin) Author and watermark research on music handwriting at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin: The KoFIM Berlin Project (Music Research and Information Competence Centre): Scholarly Research and Catalog Enrichment
- Kristina Richts (Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Paderborn und der Hochschule für Musik Detmold, Germany), Peter Stadler (Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Paderborn und der Hochschule für Musik Detmold, Germany) RISM Linked Open Data at the interface between libraries and research projects. A first attempt of defining workflows
- Armin Brinzing (Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum, Salzburg) Putting Mozart autographs online: Thoughts about the collaboration between a library and RISM
Friday, 26 June
- 9.00–10.30: Advisory Council (open to all national working group representatives) Chair: Armin Brinzing (Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum, Salzburg)
- 11.00–12.30: Commission Mixte (closed working meeting; open only to members or by invitation) Chair: Wolf‐Dieter Seiffert (President of RISM, RISM Commission Mixte, München)
Catégorie: Evénements