Muscat Cataloging Workshop in Krakow
Guido Kraus
Thursday, July 6, 2023

A Muscat workshop led by Guido Kraus from the RISM Editorial Center took place from 13 to 15 June 2023 at the Chopin Institute in Krakow’s historic Old Town. A total of 16 people from different regions of Poland participated, many of them from Krakow. The workshop was held in preparation of further, new digitizing and cataloging projects that the Chopin Institute in Poland will initiate starting in October of this year. The projects will last four to five years.
One particularly special collection will be the Wrocław Ossolineum, of which portions can still be found in L’viv (Ukraine) in the Stefanyk Library (RISM library siglum UA-LVs, RISM Catalog | RISM Online). Digitizing these sources has already begun. Cataloging work will also focus on Gdansk, Pomerania, Poznań, Wielkopolska Province, and Podlachia.
In addition, groups of sources from other provenances found in the Czartoryski Library (PL-Kc, RISM Catalog | RISM Online) will be added to the RISM database.
Two additional Muscat workshops will be planned for the coming year.
The RISM Editorial Center is happy about these new opportunities for the Polish working group.
Contact: dr Marcin Konik ( and Marcelina Chojecka (
Image courtesy of Marcin Konik.
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