Announcing the Third RISM Lecture: Musical Sources in Mexico
Thursday, September 29, 2022

Our first pair of RISM Lectures focused on two of the most celebrated music collections of the old continent: the Fondo Cappella Sistina kept in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana and the Bach manuscripts preserved in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. In keeping with RISM’s global outlook and mission, we wanted the next lecture by all means to call attention to lesser known repertory outside of Europe. We are now pleased to invite you to the third RISM Lecture, which will present to you some fascinating musical sources from Mexico.
While the repertory to be discussed is less familiar, the lecture by Lucero Enríquez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Drew Edward Davies (Northwestern University) and Analía Cherñavsky (Universidade Federal de Integração Latino-Americana) promises to allow us rare insight into the complex relationship between a center and its periphery through the lens of liturgical music. Relying on experiences gathered while cataloging the music archives of the Mexico City Cathedral, our three speakers will discuss the unique formal characteristics of the sources found, using as case studies such particularities as local Mexican arrangements of music originally printed in Augsburg around 1830, and pose intriguing questions as to the completeness of the sources preserved. (A full abstract is available here.)
While the first two RISM Lectures were independent events held exclusively online, the third Lecture will be presented live on 7 October 2022 in the Plenary Hall of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz as the opening event of the conference celebrating RISM’s 70th anniversary. Participation is possible both in person and online, but registration is necessary in either case. For more information, please see our conference website.
Image: Antonio de Salazar (ca. 1650-1715), Arde afable hermosura, 1693, f. 1. ACCMM A0001. A0001-00-01-C1S1-1r, Colección Estrada, Archivo de Música del Cabildo Catedral Metropolitano de México, Seminario Nacional de Música en la Nueva España y el México Independiente IIEs UNAM. RISM ID no. 120000717 (RISM Online).
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