Muscat Workshops in October 2018
Monday, October 1, 2018

RISM will be holding more Muscat workshops this week and next.
Printed music will be at the focus of a Muscat workshop for the first time that will be held from 4–6 October 2018 in the RISM Central Office in Frankfurt. In total, 14 people from Germany and abroad have signed up. Given the nature of printed music, in which multiple libraries may own a copy of the same edition, cataloging printed music is not always as straightforward as it is for manuscripts. Existing RISM records must be searched and evaluated based on established criteria. The workshop will cover the guidelines for printed music, how to add and edit a library’s holdings, and how to revise and create records for printed music in Muscat. Central Office staff will be joined by colleagues from the Sächsische Landes- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) Dresden, who are currently carrying out a pilot project that focuses on printed music.
The second October workshop is being organized thanks to an initiative from Miriam Das Lehotská from the Slovenské Národné Muzeum. Guido Kraus will hold a Muscat workshop in Bratislava from 9–12 October 2018. Twelve people from institutions in Bratislava, Banská Bystrica, Martin, and Prešov have registered. The focus will be on cataloging music manuscripts and printed editions.
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