Müllner-Peter Symposium in Sachrang (Bavaria)
Steffen Voss
Thursday, June 28, 2018

We have received the following from Steffen Voss (RISM Germany):
This year marks the 175th anniversary of the death of Peter Huber, known as Müllner-Peter, the “Milner Peter from Sachrang” (1766-1843). Huber owned a mill in the small mountain village of Sachrang in the Chiemgau region of Bavaria and was particularly committed to the musical life of his community. For several years, he worked as a part-time choirmaster and organist, and for many years he collected and copied an extensive music collection, which included mostly sacred works as well as dance music, instrumental chamber music, and a few secular vocal works.
While on vacation in Sachrang in 1938, Hans Halm, then director of the music collection of the Bavarian State Library (BSB), acquired this music collection for the library. The collection was not cataloged until the 1960s. Under Robert Münster, the new head of the department, the collection was presented to the public in an exhibition in 1972/73. In 2017, the entire collection—all 13,335 pages—was completely digitized by the Munich Digitization Center (MDZ) of the BSB, after Steffen Voss of the Munich office of RISM Germany had cataloged the manuscripts for the RISM online catalog. The collection can be found online as part of the bavarikon cultural portal and is called “The Treasure of Sheet Music held by Milner Peter – The Sachrang Musical Collection.”
On Saturday, June 30, a symposium called “Dorf-Musik-Leben” will be held in the Sachrang Schulhaus (where the Müllner-Peter Museum is also located), which will be devoted to the life and works, and especially the music collection, of Müllner-Peter. Among the participants are RISM contributors Steffen Voss (Munich) and Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider (Innsbruck) as well as Thomas Hochradner from the Mozarteum in Salzburg. Further commemorative events and concerts will take place throughout the weekend. The full program can be found on the event flyer from the Sachrang tourism office.
Image: Title page, in Müllner-Peter’s hand, of a mass by Georg Augustin Holler (1744-1814). Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (D-Mbs Mus.ms. 7364). RISM ID no. 450057417. From bavarikon, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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