Muscat Workshops in Austria
Stefan Engl
Thursday, January 26, 2017

We have received the following from our colleagues in IAML Austria:
IAML Austria successfully held two Muscat workshops recently.
On January 12, 2017, a Muscat workshop was held at the Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum, led by Dr. Eva Neumayr (RISM Salzburg). The workshop enjoyed active participation from its seven attendees.
This week, Dr. Neumayr also presented Muscat during the Study Day of the Verband Österreichischer Archivarinnen und Archivare (Association of Austrian Archivists) held at the Archiv der Erzdiözese Salzburg.
The second workshop took place on January 18, 2017, at the Austrian National Library in Vienna and was led by Dr. Ikarus Kaiser (RISM Oberösterreich). Nine participants practiced creating records in Muscat using music manuscripts from Stift Wilhering and the National Library.
The next Muscat workshop in Austria is expected to take place in fall 2017.
Please enjoy these photos from the workshops (no Facebook account necessary to view):
Photos courtesy of Stefan Engl and Eva Neumayr.
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