Conference: The Music Repertoire of the Society of Jesus in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1565–1773)
Friday, February 19, 2016

From February 5 to 6, 2016, Guido Kraus from the RISM Central Office attended an international musicological conference at the University of Warsaw Library entitled “The Music Repertoire of the Society of Jesusin the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1565–1773).Sources – Editing – Cataloguing.” The conference was hosted by the Institute of Musicology at the University of Warsaw and organized by the project’s leader, Dr. hab. Tomasz Jeż.
The conference was in support of a project of the same name which focuses on the music repertoire that originated in Jesuit circles and aims to document this music and make it known through critical editions and monographs. RISM, one of the partners of this project, has made its free manuscript cataloging program Kallisto available to participants. Records will be published in the RISM online catalog during the course of the project.
Today, only two music collections of Jesuit provenance are completely preserved in Poland: the collection from Święta Lipka in northeastern Poland (former East Prussia), which is kept at the Biblioteka Bobolanum (RISM library siglum: PL-ŚLj, today in Warsaw’s Biblioteka Bobolanum przy Kolegium Księży Jezuitów [PL-Wb]), and the collection from the Church of the Assumption in Kłodzko (PL-KŁwnm). A third collection, which is to a large extent still intact, originally came from the East Prussian town of Braunsberg (Braniewo) and is today held by the University of Uppsala Library (S-Uu). Other portions of this collection are scattered among other Swedish libraries, but a few individual items actually remain in Poland today. Dispersed collections such as this one will be taken up in the course of the project by our colleague Agnieszka Leszczyńska from Warsaw.
Under the supervision of Ludmiła Sawicka, the collections from Święta Lipka, Kłodzko, and Uppsala will be completely cataloged for RISM using Kallisto. The catalogers will receive support from Kraus, who gave a presentation about Kallisto at the conference and emphasized the use of images, authority records, and standardized titles in the records. Other historical musical sources of Jesuit provenance that were once part of larger collections are preserved today at the University Library in Warsaw (PL-Wu), the Biblioteka Jagiellońska in Kraków (PL-Kj), and the Biblioteka Diecezjalna w Sandomierzu in Sandomierz (PL-SA). These collections will also be cataloged for RISM.
Creating modern editions is the second pillar of the project and is being coordinated by Maciej Jochymczyk from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. During the conference, editing guidelines were discussed intensively.
A third outcome of the project is musicological monographs. Aleksandra Patalas from Kraków will be writing about Asprilio Pacelli and Jūratė Trilupaitienė from Lithuania will treat the music treatises of the Lithuanian philosopher Sigismundus Lauxmin. A history of the Jesuit College in Vilinus, which later became the Academia et Universitas Vilnensis Societatis Iesu, will be written by Rasa Murauskaitė.
The five-year project is financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the Tradition 1a module of the National Programme for the Development of Humanities.
Image: Canisius in Vienna, Ars Jesuitica, Institute of Jesuit Sources (public domain).
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