The Choir Library of St. Mary's in Lübeck, 1546-1674
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Announcing the publication of a new database by Kerala J. Snyder (Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester):
The Choir Library of St. Mary’s in Lübeck, 1546-1674: A Database Catalogue
Snyder writes, “While Petrus Hasse, Franz Tunder, and Dieterich Buxtehude were serving as organists of St. Mary’s Church [Marienkirche], its cantors assembled a choir library of some 2000 works, which are catalogued here for the first time. Its 69 sets of printed partbooks and one set of manuscript parts remained in the church until 1814, when the city of Lübeck gave them to the newly founded Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna [A-Wgm], where they remain today.”
The database can be searched through numerous fields, including standard publication information, binding, and dedication information. RISM A/I and B/I numbers are included. The database links to external projects dealing with printed music, such as the Printed Sacred Music Database and the JSCM’s Catalogue of Mass, Office, and Holy Week Music Printed in Italy, 1516-1770.
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