Slovenia : Ljubljana : Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Musicology
Ongoing Projects
The RISM working group members at the Institute are currently at the end of cataloguing early music manuscripts held by the Bishopric Archive of Koper/Capodistria (SI-Kš). In the future, the Institute of Musicology plans to catalogue in the RISM database the early music holdings of the Conventual Franciscan Monastery in Piran/Pirano (SI-Plm).
In memoriam Darja Frelih (Nomenj, 4. 1. 1953–Ljubljana, 11. 5. 2010)

Darja began working for RISM in 1998. She attended the conference “Academic and Technical Challenges of Musicological Source Research in an International Framework” on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of RISM in 2002. We saw her at the Zentralredaktion for the last time in spring 2007 at a workshop on Kallisto. Continue…