Ongoing projects:
Mercer’s Hospital Music Collection: Tríona O’Hanlon, Dublin Institute of Technology
This project involves cataloguing the contents of the Mercer’s Hospital Music Collection, currently housed at the Manuscripts’ Department at Trinity College Dublin, and constitutes a central part of O’Hanlon’s doctoral thesis, Music for Mercer’s: The Mercer’s Hospital Music Collection and charity music in eighteenth-century Dublin. The contents of the collection reveal significant information regarding eighteenth-century Dublin repertoire, adaptations and revisions made to several parts in the collection afford insight into eighteenth-century Dublin performance practice issues and the identification of Mercer’s paper types and copyists enhances knowledge of the various paper types available in eighteenth-century Dublin, eighteenth-century Dublin copyists, the activity of copying and how music was collated and stored. The collection’s provenance and relationship to extant collections in the British Isles is also significant.
The Mercer’s Hospital Music Collection catalogue records are currently being processed and are expected to be published online in the Irish RISM database in early 2012.
Music in the Irish Country House: Dr Karol Mullaney-Dignam, National University of Ireland Maynooth
The objectives of this ongoing interdisciplinary research project are to identify and catalogue the music collections of selected country houses in Ireland; to interpret the historical context within which these collections were assembled, utilised and maintained by the Irish landed elite in the 18th and 19th centuries; to create knowledge of and digital access to these primary sources, particularly through the RISM; to work to preserve, interpret and present these sources for public consumption in collaboration with current house owners and custodians.
To date, project outputs have included academic conference and seminar papers, public lectures and publications, such as Music and dancing at Castletown, Co. Kildare, 1759-1821 (Dublin, 2011).
This project is funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities & Social Sciences.

New publications: Launch of the Dublin Music Trade The Research Foundation for Music in Ireland is delighted to announce the launch of a new free-to-access online resource detailing the who, what, where and when of the historic music trade in Dublin. Continue…