RISM-Chinese Language Region
The working group RISM-Chinese Language Region was planned at a conference concerning the Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources (CPCMR) held in October 2015. CPCMR was launched to promote the collection of Chinese music literature, to develop technical standards for processing the archive, and to ultimately establish a collaborative network for resource sharing.

2018/12 RISM-CLR held the annual meeting of the Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources and Muscat workshop in Shanghai
The Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources initiated by Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong is now in its seventh year. The annual meeting for 2018 was hosted by the Shanghai Conservatory of Music December 2nd-5th. In addition to the routine work reports, the organizers also invited 14 scholars, librarians and staff from Conservatories of Music or music-related institutions in China to attend the conference in order to prepare the training of more specialized skills needed for music collections in the Chinese-language region. Continue…

2018/08 RISM-CLR Completed the Paper Presentation in 2018 IAML Annual Conference and Presented the “Bilingual Chart of Common Chinese Instrument Names”
The 2018 IAML annual conference was held in the Hochschule für Musik und Theater “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” Leipzig from 23 to 27 July, where more than 500 librarians, archivists and scholars all over the world came to participate in the conference. After the presentations of 2015 and 2017, RISM-CLR presented a paper titled “Cataloging Standard and Translating Unification of Chinese Musical Compositions” this year and proposed a solution to the problems that we faced over the past few years, and attracted great attention. Continue…

2017/11 The Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources 2017’ Annual Meeting and the RISM Cataloging Workshop are inaugurated in Shanghai Conservatory of Music
The annual meeting of the Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources and the International Workshop on Repatriation: History and Significance of Early Sound Recordings Made in China took place on November 8, 2017. At the same time, a RISM Cataloging Workshop was organized. Continue…

2017/06 The First Presentation of RISM-CLR was presented in RISM Session of 66th Annual Conference of the IAML
The 2017 annual conference of IAML was held in National Library of Latvia from 18 to 22 June. This green building has a new appearance and facilities, not only providing reading services, but also preserving Latvia’s most precious cultural heritage. The conference was highly appreciated by more than 200 delegates from around the world. TSENG Tzu-Chia, the member of RISM-CLR, was presented paper in the RISM session of the conference, the title is: The Challenges to Construct Chinese Music Literature: Starting From the Working Group of RISM-Chinese Language Region. Continue…

2016/06 Working Group meeting of RISM-Chinese Language Region was successfully held in Taipei
2016 Working Group meeting of RISM-Chinese Language Region was held in Digital Archive Center for Music of NTNU in Taipei on the 3rd of June. In addition to the working report of the first half of 2016, representatives also laid down the progress of works for the second half, and kept moving towards the objective of Cooperative Development and Resource Sharing of Chinese Music Heritage! Continue…

The entry “RISM” of Chinese Wikipedia is now officially online!
With the assistance of RISM Zentralredaktion and International advisors Dr. Nora YEH and Prof. Judy TSOU, RISM-CLR have completed the Chinese translation of Wikipedia article of the entry “RISM.” Continue…

2015 Taipei Conference of Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources – RISM Workshop Meeting Minutes
2015 Taipei Conference of Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources (CPCMR) was held in Digital Archive Center for Music of NTNU in Taipei, Taiwan from the 15th-16th of October, 2015. Representatives from Shanghai Conservatory of Music Library, Central Conservatory of Music Library, Hong Kong Central Library, Taiwan Music Institute of National Centre For Traditional Arts (NCFTA) and Digital Archive Center for Music of NTNU attended this Conference. Continue…